Legal English by Chojecka (LEC)
three course levels: Foundation, Higher, Advanced
Our Offer
Learn more about our offer of legal, business and financial English.
Exam courses
We offer 3 levels of courses, depending on the level at which the student wants to pass the exam: Foundation, Higher, Advanced.
Arrange a few meetings to improve writing, pronunciation and fluency, or review vocabulary.
Individual tuition / Conversations
Tired of textbook English? Find your own individual voice with the help of an experienced tutor.
Language audit
Are you wondering at what stage your adventure with English is now? Contact LEC to have your level assessed properly.
About me
Hello, I am an English tutor with over 22 years of experience in designing courses for legal, financial and business English learners. My lifelong passion for creating my own study materials resulted in the launch of a unique website for the TOLES candidates –
I studied English Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Thanks to my first business English students, most of whom valued their time and expected fast improvement, I have needed to develop effective learning methods. And they work.
Since 2004 I have worked exclusively with legal and financial professionals designing individual and group courses for recognised Polish law firms and legal departments of international companies in Poland.
I find it incredibly rewarding to make my students skilled English users and successful communicators.
Outside of work my fascination with education continues as I avidly read about recent developments in psychology, memorising techniques or the Socratic method of teaching. That is when I am not at the ice rink practising my figure skating jumps and spins.
If you find any of my services provided of use and worth delving into, feel free to contact me by phone or mail. I will be more than happy to help.
Agnieszka A. Chojecka
Why trust Legal English by Chojecka?
Over 90% clients come through referrals.
Since 2004 I have prepared students for and administered TOLES examinations at all levels. I have taught legal English to more than 900 course participants. Over 300 of them decided to sit for the exam and passed with flying colours.
I specialise in teaching legal, financial and business English. During meetings I follow the “English only” policy – a guarantee of a faster progress and lower stress.
Small groups
My groups are conveniently small, from 4 to 6 students whose needs are adequately met.
I have developed my own teaching syllabus in close consultation with legal professionals. I rely solely on authentic materials from different British English sources alongside my copyrighted texts – the result of intensive courses over the years.
Practical skills
The goal of each meeting is learning one skill that you can immediately put to use in the workplace in the law firm.
I motivate my students throughout the course and let them experiment with various memorising methods.
You don't waste time
When my student misses a meeting (due to unforeseeable events), I send materials online and provide additional individual consultation for free.
Before each exam session I offer revisions both to my students and exam candidates.
Our Clients:

Wojcieszak, Basiński i Wspólnicy
Kancelaria Adwokacka sp. k.
ul. Żydowska 27/7
61-761 Poznań

Adwokacka Spółka Partnerska
ul. Nowowiejskiego 53/3
61-734 Poznań

ul. Litewska 3/1
60-605 Poznań

Magdalena Lubbe
Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego
ul. Garbary 53/8
61-869 Poznań

KPPW Legal Pawlikowski Wróblewski
ul. Wojska Polskiego 9
60-618 Poznań

M. Krotoski Adwokaci i Radcy Prawni Spółka Komandytowa
ul. Nowowiejskiego 8/6
61-731 Poznań

ATF Partners
ul. Składowa 42A
62-081 Przeźmierowo k. Poznania

Bridgestone EBS Sp. z o.o.
Górecka 1
60-201 Poznań

The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World Sp. z o.o.
Sady k/Poznania
ul. Rolna 6
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne

Doradztwo Podatkowe Sp. z o.o.
ul. Grunwaldzka 34A
60-786 Poznań

JSLW Janaszczyk Lis&Wspólnicy Radcowie Prawni Spółka Komandytowa
ul. 28 Czerwca 1956r/406
61-441 Poznań

Wardyński i Wspólnicy Sp. k.
Kancelaria prawnicza
ul. Marcelińska 90
60-324 Poznań

BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA BZ WBK AIB Asset Management SA
ul. Plac Wolności 16
60-739 Poznań
Students about us:
I fully recommended legal English courses offered by Legal English Centre. Classes were full of practising and using legal vocabulary in different contexts. I appreciate that the program was flexible and there was room for participants’ specific needs like data protection vocabulary in my case. I really enjoyed the way of teaching, especially a variety of methods and practising both speaking and writing. One of the most important things that I leant were the collocations useful in legal practice and avoiding ‘false friends’ in translation. Overall I think the course is a great investment and worth every penny spent on it.
The course of Ms. Agnieszka Chojecka is the best way to improve your skills in legal English and to gain self-confidence in speaking. Each lesson is focused on students and their practical problems.
LEC is a perfect choice for those who look for professional, well-prepared teacher, goal-oriented teaching method and personalized, structured materials. I really appreciate the atmosphere during the meetings and organizational flexibility during tough times as well.
Panią Agnieszkę polecam, jako profesjonalistkę w swojej dziedzinie, która prowadzi mnie przez meandry prawniczego angielskiego. Praktyczne umiejętności zdobyte dzięki szkoleniu stanowią istotne wsparcie w codziennej pracy przy obsłudze prawnej podmiotów z zagranicznym kapitałem. Kurs obejmuje zapoznanie z pełnym zakresem angielskiej terminologii prawniczej we wszystkich dziedzinach prawa, niezbędne odświeżenie kwestii gramatyki, ćwiczenia tłumaczeń z uwzględnieniem różnic w poszczególnych systemach prawnych. Dodatkowo, Pani Agnieszka rekomenduje różnorodne oryginalne podcasty w języku angielskim dotyczące spraw społecznych, na których następnie pracujemy systematycznie poszerzając znajomość, także ogólnego słownictwa. Materiały, które przygotowuje są nowoczesne i nawiązują do aktualnych trendów na rynku prawniczym, przy czym większość stanowi autorskie opracowanie prowadzącej, co dodatkowo potwierdza Jej wyjątkową wiedzę i zaangażowanie w osiąganie najwyższego poziomu usług. Jednocześnie Jej ciekawa osobowość, wiedza i doświadczenie (nie tylko prawne) w połączeniu z poczuciem humoru sprawiają, że spotkania są twórcze, efektywne i po prostu przyjemne. Jest osobą o wysokiej kulturze osobiste, wymagającą i motywującą. Zawsze punktualna i otwarta na sugestie. Duża elastyczność w zakresie terminów, atrakcyjna cena i wsparcie merytoryczne ad hoc także poza umówionymi spotkaniami to bezkonkurencyjne na rynku atuty usług Pani Agnieszki. Koniecznie warto się spotkać i samemu sprawdzić – moim zdaniem, to “must have” na prawniczej mapie Poznania i nie tylko.
If you are still looking for an effective business English course, just call Agnieszka.
What you gain from the course is self-confidence to speak with foreign business partners.
Yes, I would recommend the course without any doubts. There is no better place to improve English skills. I have improved all areas of English language, especially matching words / phrases to context, grammar rules and accent.
No boring materials, excellent preparation of topics by Agnieszka to my individual needs, motivating intensity but not too pressing.
Classes conducted by Mrs. Agnieszka are more than just repetition, flashcards, columns with translation known from school or courses. It’s always a problematic approach to a given area of language and vocabulary. This method, and most importantly – the meticulousness and high quality of its application – is an excellent tool for achieving systematic and quick progress. After classes with her, you can fluently talk about the meanders of Polish bankruptcy law and effortlessly review or even create an English text of the contract, or talk about the advantages and disadvantages of any piece of legislation.
Lessons that encourage, give perspective and a great atmosphere. However, we will not lose sight of our goal, which is to tame English in law and business so that a foreign call or a legal English exam is a piece of cake for us.
I recommend it to anyone determined to learn! And the less determined will change that aspect during the course, believe me.
It’s been a pleasure to learn Legal English at the Legal English Centre with Ms Agnieszka. The atmosphere during the one-to-one intensive course was marvellous. Ms Agnieszka is a very enthusiastic and charismatic teacher, always helpful and supportive. The materials prepared by Ms Agnieszka are truly interesting and informative. The topics were personalised to me and exercises were designed to respond to my immediate needs. This course gave me a deep dive into Legal English peculiarities.
I strongly recommend the Legal English Course with Ms Agnieszka!
Pani Agnieszka to profesjonalistka w każdym calu. Wspaniale przygotowana merytorycznie, zawsze w pełni skoncentrowana na uczniu i jego potrzebach. Atmosfera podczas spotkań jest przesympatyczna, co pomaga przezwyciężać opór przed mówieniem po angielsku.
Frequently asked questions
What is the price of the course? Can I pay in instalments?
The prices vary depending on the level of the course and may be between PLN 2500 gross to PLN 3200 gross for the whole year (24 meetings 90 min each), payable in three or four equal instalments during the year. Please contact LEC to learn the prices for a new academic year 2022/23.
What does the course fee include?
The course fee includes: copyrighted course materials, the Mock Exam (in mid April), any supplementary materials handed out during the meetings, access to the chosen materials and exercises on the Legal English Boost platform consultation in case of absences. The course fee does not include the TOLES examination fee.
When does the course start and finish?
The academic year starts in the second week of October. We usually finish at the end of April or beginning of May.