If you want to register for the TOLES exam through the Authorised Examination Centre, please send the following data to the email address: agnieszka.chw@wp.pl by the registration deadline set by Legal English Centre.
Name (or names you want on the certificate)
Exam level
Date of the exam
Phone number (optional)
Address for certificate delivery
On sending the above data the candidate gives consent to the personal data processing for the purpose of conducting the exam. The candidate has the right to access and change the personal data.
On sending the above data for the TOLES registration the candidate states that he/she has read the Regulations for the exam.
Information on personal data processing
- The personal data Controller is Legal English Centre Agnieszka Chojecka located at Dąbrowskiego Street 20/22a/5 in Poznań 60-839, email: english.centre@gmail.com
- Your personal data is processed for registering you as a candidate for the TOLES exam through Legal English Centre, pursuant to art.6(1)(b) of the GDPR. The data is processed to comply with the legal obligations.
The Controller may process the following data: your name(s), surname, phone number, address, NIP number (tax identification number), REGON number (business statistical number), email address.
- You have the right to access your data, to have it rectified or deleted, or to restrict its processing, to object to its processing, to demand its removal or transfer as well as the right to revoke your consent at any time and the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Data Protection Authority.
- You give your personal data voluntarily but without your data it is not possible for Legal English Centre to register you for the exam.
- Legal English Centre may share your personal data with the data processor or entities involved in performing our duties and activities such as Global Legal English Ltd., entities maintaining our IT systems or entities providing us with legal or accounting services.
- Legal English Centre shall not share your personal data with any third parties. The recipients of your data shall only be the relevant authorities and offices authorised by law.
- Your personal data shall not be subject to automation or profiling.
- The data Controller shall not transfer you data to any third country or international organisation.
- Your personal data shall be stored for the term of the agreement and the period necessary to pursue or defend any claims arising from the agreement as well as for a period required by statute, in particular by relevant tax laws.